
  Grounds Management Framework - About

    Grounds Management Framework - About

    Find out more about the Grounds Management Framework.

For every grass sport surface to achieve the best possible quality playing surface for its users.

We know that grass playing surfaces managed on a regular basis can improve player experience, lead to a reduction in cancellations, and potentially increase year-round participation.

Striving for better quality playing surfaces that are maintained by qualified grounds staff and volunteers, will ensure that more sport can be played on higher quality and safer grounds.

A national framework for natural turf sport surfaces, so that those responsible for playing surfaces are aware of the playing surface characteristics, resources, skills, and knowledge required to meet their requirements.

GMF identifies what is required to achieve each level in terms of the standard of surface, grounds management expertise and resources. This includes:

  • A set of standards to benchmark the quality of each surface, across all levels of sports from community to professional sport.
  • A skills and knowledge matrix that recommends the core skills and competencies that volunteers and professional should demonstrate.
  • Resource requirements such as budgets and time commitments.

The framework can assist everyone involved in managing and maintaining sports grounds including Grounds staff, Ground Managers, Club Committees and Senior Management. It is aimed at all aspects of the industry including community clubs, local authorities, education, and professional sports clubs.

For further information about GMF please refer to the FAQs.